JUDICIARY Latest Features

The New Acting Registrar JTI Assumes Office
HW Kaitesi (Standing) during the handover to HW Katushabe (seated)

HW Mary Kaitesi handed over the Judicial Training Institute Registry to HW Prossy Katushabe in a ceremony witnessed by the Executive Director of the Institute, Hon.Lady Justice Damalie N. Lwanga. 

The Executive Director applauded the outgoing Registrar for her contribution in the tremendous transformation of the Institute.

She said that HW Kaitesi came in at a time when the Institute had not had a full Registrar for a long time and immediately filled the gap.

"She was like a Jesus who had come to save the situation because we only had a Deputy Registrar who was doing all the work," she said.

Hon.Lady Justice Lwanga described the outgoing Registrar as a hands on hard working administrator who is innovative, a team player and listener.

She credited HW Kaitesi for providing meals for staff, which was an outward expression of her compassion and care towards the staff.

In turn, HW Kaitesi also appreciated the Executive Director for mentoring her and always remaining calm during times of difficulties. 

"I am going to miss the JTI team but I am still in Judiciary so we will still meet," she said. Adding that she was just a call away for guidance and support to the new Registrar.

The new Registrar JTI thanked her predecessor for the support given to her and for her hard work, and zeal.

Hon.Lady Justice Lwanga used the ceremony to officially welcome the new Judicial Officers who joined the JTI team and encouraged them to work with dedication and commitment. The ceremony was wrapped up with cake cutting.

In attendance at the handover ceremony was, HW Mulalira Faisal Umar Deputy Registrar JTI, Magistrates and staff attached to the Institute.

Posted 7th, September 2023
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